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      [Textile industry this year, "winter" special cold!]
      Release date:[2016/10/13] Is reading[1793]次

      According to the National Meteorological Center news, because "La Nina" the arrival of the winter of 2016 may be cold than in previous years! Even the network "may be crying cry." In fact, this winter may be crying there are frozen textile industry! As an important traditional labor-intensive export industry, textile and garment industry has been a large proportion of China's export trade. However, since 2015, by the global economic slowdown, exchange rate fluctuations, high domestic manufacturing costs and other factors, China's textile and garment exports continued to decline, the situation is not optimistic. In this context, the textile and garment industry, well-known enterprises closed down the news stop.

      "Business is getting harder and harder," this sentence has almost become the mantra of the bosses. "More than half of private enterprises struggling ... ... in previous years when there is a difficult, but never so sad," said the boss's heart.

      Boss Paolu common

      Lack of money has become the most difficult problem, there is no money, the business that fell down. Not long ago, "Xidelong" bankruptcy, Jinjiang Min Chao shoe company restructuring and bankruptcy news, people have lamented, Jinjiang shoe factory in recent years is how? More than 20 years, by virtue of "OEM started to switch to do the domestic sales → sign spokesmen to build brand advertising → store expansion → listing" this shortcut, Jinjiang has become "China's textile industry base", "Jacket Capital." However, in this round of industry under the depth of adjustment, Jinjiang is clearly also come to the crossroads of the transition.

      For Jinjiang enterprises, the main means of financing is the banks, private lending and listing and financing, but now these three channels are not only resistance and reef turbulence. Most of the enterprises running on the road is due to debt maturity due to insolvency caused strand breaks. Now the environment, most banks to maintain the balance of loans up to the same, the shoes and apparel industry will not add new loans. Enterprises have a certain scale can still fight for bank loans, and more small and micro enterprises can only turn to private lending, but the interest rate with the bank loan-to-rise, the annual interest rate as high as 30%, in the current shoe industry downturn and profit shrinkage period, The risk of such financing can be imagined. "Who is the first chain of capital, who will die", which became the textile industry, a spell. A sharp decline in orders, labor and other costs remain high, the joint loan-to-debt recovery caused by the phenomenon of bank debt, the textile and chemical industry as a whole in trouble. Following the 2015 more than 20 large and medium-sized textile and chemical fiber enterprises bankruptcy or shutdown, this year and several companies have emerged into debt crisis.

      60% of companies in layoffs

      In fact, not only a large number of small textile enterprises in the disappearance, even in the A-share listed on the large-scale textile enterprises, are also experiencing a decline in profits or even loss of suffering. According to Wind data, in the A-share listed 36 textile enterprises, 10 in the first half at a loss, loss ratio of more than 25%; and in 2010 only 1 textile enterprises loss. The first half of 2016, the listed textile enterprises net profit also continued the decline trend of the previous three years, net profit fell more than one percent.

      In the listed company profits fell, or even a loss of the background; as a typical representative of the labor-intensive industries of the textile industry, opened the layoffs model. According to statistics, 2015 in the A-share listed 36 textile enterprises, 21 in layoffs, layoffs accounted for close to Liu Cheng; and such a wave of layoffs since 2013 has already begun.

      Global market experience "cold"

      "The weak economic environment and rising labor costs should result in the development of textile and garment industry in recent years," cold "the main reason, which is the deepest feelings I have two factors." Shanghai Textile Co., Ltd. General Manager Zhang Haibin love edge in the accepted Reporter said. Ningbo Hua Guduo Fashion Co., Ltd. Fu Jin, general manager of trade, said the company's exports to the European market in 2015, orders fell sharply compared to 2014, exports to the Russian market orders are simply not.

      According to customs statistics, in 2015, China's textile and apparel trade volume of 3095.1 billion US dollars, down 4.8%. Of which exports 283.9 billion US dollars, down 4.9%; imports 25.61 billion US dollars, down 3.5%; cumulative trade surplus of 258.29 billion US dollars, down 5%. The industry pointed out that the decline in textile and apparel exports for many reasons, including weak external demand can not be ignored: the EU economy has been in a sluggish state, the EU member states economic development imbalance, Greece and other countries continued high unemployment, consumer demand is limited; The overall market decline in imports in recent years, coupled with accelerated industrial transfer, the share of Chinese products in Japan continued to decline; ASEAN market also failed to continue the gains of previous years, the rapid decline; the Russian market fell sharply; only the US market remained relatively stable .

      Internal factors highlight the impact

      The industry pointed out that the decline in textile and garment exports in 2009 because of the different reasons, in 2009 due to sudden global financial crisis led to a sharp contraction in trade, while exports in 2015 fell more due to the disappearance of traditional export advantages and The external and internal adverse environmental overlay resulted in a structural decline. Zhang Haibing said that rising labor costs is almost all domestic textile and garment enterprises face common problems, but also labor-intensive industries face the most difficult problems. Due to rising labor costs, many orders have begun to shift to Southeast Asia. "Southeast Asian countries, technology and management is relatively behind China, our company mainly produces high-end clothing products, so the impact is not too great, but some of my friends of the company last year, orders volume of 20% to 30% decline."

      After the introduction of the new Labor Law in 2008, China's labor costs more than doubled in just five years. As the textile and garment industry is a typical labor-intensive enterprises, labor costs to the business has brought unimaginable pressure. Especially in recent years, due to the surge in domestic costs, many foreign-funded enterprises have been large-scale transfer to South Asia and Southeast Asia, the most famous, including Adidas, Nike, Uniqlo, Muji and so on.

      In addition, the environmental pressure is also an increase in the cost of textile and garment enterprises one of the factors. Fu Jin said that in recent years, environmental protection efforts to increase the number of dyeing factories facing rectification, a large number of old equipment was forced out, dyes and other raw materials costs indirectly led to the rise in the cost of textile and garment enterprises. In addition, small and medium enterprises and other financing problems still exist and become increasingly prominent. Zhang Haibing said that as a result of last year's clothing and textile industry, the overall situation has declined, leading to large banks to assess the company's capital and asset conditions set up a high threshold of financing, which became a company placed on the road to development obstacles. "Get the money, the company will naturally slow down the pace of development, into a bad cycle."

      In the context of the negative growth of textile exports, the Ministry of Industry and the "Thirteen Five" period, the Chinese textile enterprises above designated size industrial added value growth rate remained at 6-7%; Ministry of Industry in the "Textile Industry Development Plan (2016-2020)" also bluntly: China's textile industry is facing the developed countries "re-industrialization" and accelerating the process of industrial development in developing countries double squeeze, the development of Asia and Africa The national labor cost advantage is obvious; the international comparative advantage of China's textile industry is weakening.


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