      Textile industry, green development, industry standards
      [Two industry standards have passed the examination, and there is a new guide to the green development of the textile industry.]
      Release date:[2018/7/16] Is reading[1275]次

      On July 2nd, the Ministry of Industry of the China National Textile and Apparel Council organized two industry standards validation meetings in Beijing: “Green Design Product Evaluation Technical Specification Silk Products” and “Waste Textile Reuse Short Fiber”.

      This validation will be hosted by Cheng Hao, deputy director of the China Textile Industry Association, from the China Textile Industry Federation, the China Silk Association, the China Chemical Fiber Industry Association, the China Industrial Textiles Industry Association, the Beijing Textile Environmental Protection Center, and the General A total of 16 representatives and experts from the Military Equipment Research Institute, Anhui Agricultural University, Wanshili Group Co., Ltd. and Guangde Tianyun New Technology Co., Ltd. attended the meeting.

      At the meeting, the standard preparation working group made a detailed report on the preparation process and technical content of the "Green Design Product Evaluation Technical Specification Silk Products" and "Waste Textile Reuse Short Fiber". After careful and meticulous discussion, the leaders and experts at the meeting made partial adjustments and revisions to the technical content of the standard, and passed two standards in unanimous approval. They agreed to report the revised standard materials as approval.

      "Green Design Product Evaluation Technical Specification Silk Products" is the first green design product evaluation standard in the textile industry. It is jointly drafted by Wanshili Group Co., Ltd., China Textile Economic Research Center, China Silk Association and Donghua University. The formulation of this standard is of great significance for the improvement of the standard system construction in the green manufacturing field of the textile industry. It has a guiding role for the silk industry to apply the life cycle theory and carry out the evaluation of green design products.

      "Recycling Short Fibers for Waste Textiles" was drafted by Guangde Tianyun New Technology Co., Ltd., Anhui Agricultural University, Wenzhou Tiancheng Textile Co., Ltd., China Textile Economic Research Center and other units. The standard stipulates the definition, performance, classification, specification, quality and inspection methods of waste textile reprocessing short fibers. It has a guiding role in regulating the trading of waste textiles and is of great significance for the establishment and improvement of the textile recycling and recycling standard system.

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