      Intermingled PP FDY, Intermingled PP FDY price, Intermingled PP FDY manufacturers
      [How is Intermingled PP FDY produced?]
      Release date:[2019/7/22] Is reading[984]次

      How is Intermingled PP FDY produced?

      The main equipment for Intermingled PP FDY processing is various double twisting machines.

      The purpose of Intermingled PP FDY

      Coronation is to increase the strength and wear resistance of the thread, reduce the fluffing or breakage of the thread, improve the fabric fastness or increase the cohesion before dyeing; make the thread have a certain shape and fancy effect, so that the fabric can be refraction, wrinkles, Appearance effects such as loops and knots; improve the elasticity of the thread, and improve the anti-crease ability and coolness of the fabric.

      Classification of Intermingled PP FDY

      According to the method of twisting, it is divided into dry and wet, and dry and divided into single and double. For some special varieties of fabrics, many strong mulberry silks are needed as warp or weft yarns. At this time, it is difficult to use cognac processing. It must be wet and processed, and the silk thread is twisted with a wet silking machine in a wet state. The twist can exceed 3000 捻 / m.

      According to the type of silk, it is divided into ordinary silk, fancy silk and covered silk.

      According to the direction, it can be divided into two types: Z捻 and S捻. After the twisting of the single yarn in the single yarn or the single yarn in the strand, the direction of the roundabout is from bottom to top, from right to left, called S捻; from bottom to top, from left to right, it is called Z捻.

      Guangdong Modern High-tech Fiber Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer, manufacturer and seller of polypropylene fiber. Since its establishment, it has developed steadily. At present, more than 70 Intermingled PP FDY production lines, 8 POY production lines, 2 DTY production lines, and other production and R&D equipment have been established. In the previous year, various specifications of polypropylene filaments exceeded 24,000 tons, which has become the actual domestic practice. A polypropylene fiber manufacturer with a large output.


      Contact Us:Mr. Kyle Tell:+86 663 3278020 Fax:0663-3268998 Email:info@gdguangdong.com
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